Reports and Financial Accountability

Limmud FSU's financial operations are meticulously managed under the guidance of our Executive Committee, with a dedicated senior staff overseeing crucial aspects like budgeting, cash flow, and report consolidation. At the helm is our Executive Director, Natasha Chechik, who ensures our budget is on point and coordinates our myriad activities, encompassing their financial dimensions. Assisting her in matters of budget, cash flow, and contracts is our Financial and Management Consultant, Chaim Nagus. Meanwhile, Deborah Lipson champions our grant applications and follow-up reports, alongside disseminating Limmud FSU activities' information. While every operational sector maintains its accounting function, this stellar team also manages two specific independent entities formed by Limmud FSU:

Limmud FSU International Foundation

In January 2008, the Limmud FSU International Foundation was incorporated in the State of Delaware, and subsequently recognized by the the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a tax-exempt, non-profit charity under section 501c3.

Limmud FSU International Foundation board comprises nine dedicated members: five from the U.S. and four from other nations. The Founding Chair of Limmud FSU leads as the Board Chair, while the Co-Founder serves as the President. Additionally, Limmud FSU's Executive Director holds the same title within the Foundation.
The Limmud FSU International Foundation acts as the primary legal face for Limmud FSU organization in the United States and around the globe in areas such as grant applications, monetary agreements, and related transactions. It enters into contracts with a range of entities, including organizations in New York and California, as well as global service providers like tour operators for our conferences.
Since 2014, the Limmud FSU International Foundation maintains a full accounting system, with support from professional accountancy firms. It carries out transactions through its own banking facilities.

Limmud – Russian Speakers, Israel

Established in March 2011 on the initiative of Limmud FSU International Foundation, Limmud– Russian Speakers, Israel (LRSI) is a recognized Israeli non-profit member organization (Amuta). It boasts ten members. Three of them are part of the Executive, while two others sit on the Audit Committee, in line with Israeli regulations.
LRSI was set up to implement all Limmud FSU programs in Israel and to provide assistance in Israel and abroad for the implementation of its other conferences and its general management support functions (especially payment of those expenses incurred in Israel for global operations). There is an Agreement of Cooperation between LRSI and the Limmud FSU International Foundation delineating these various activities, the provision of funding from Limmud FSU International Foundation to LRSI, and the procedures of LRSI reporting to Limmud FSU International Foundation.
However there is no duplication of administrative functions. The required professional accounting services are undertaken by an outside CPA firm, and Limmud FSU International Foundation Executive Director serves as the Executive Director of Limmud-Russian Speakers, Israel.

Partner Funding Organizations

The two main Partner Organizations with which Limmud FSU works are the JDC and JAFI.


JDC is still formally a fiscal sponsor for Limmud FSU International Foundation with which it has an agreement for this purpose. As such, JDC was until 2014 the main recipient of contributions for LFSU, usually from US based organizations and charitable foundations. It also gives a major annual allocation to LFSU. Since 2017 no fiscal operations are carried out by JDC on Limmud FSU’s behalf.
JAFI also makes an allocation to LFSU.  LFSU is also listed as a designated project within JAFI's accounts. As such, JAFI receives grants and contributions for LFSU projects, holds monies on LFSU's behalf and disburse funds upon LFSU's request.

Limmud of Ukraine

LIMMUD OF UKRAINE (LoU) was established as an independent charitable trust, in 2013, by the initiative of  Limmud FSU International Foundation. It replaced the Jewish Forum of Ukraine as the operating arm of Limmud FSU in Ukraine.
LoU’s board consists of four persons – two from Ukraine (Limmud Ukraine Organizing Committee chairperson and the Project Manager) and two from abroad (Limmud FSU Founding Chairman and its Executive Director). The Project Manager for Ukraine is employed by LoU as its General Manager. An Agreement for Cooperation between LoU and the Limmud FSU International Foundation, similar to the one with Limmud Russian Speakers, Israel, determines the procedures for funding and reports. Detailed accounts, supported by bank statements, are presented monthly using a purpose built bilingual report format.
LoU receives local contributions and fee income for Limmud Ukraine conferences. It submits funding applications to international bodies and has received substantial grants for Limmud events in Ukraine – a process which was severely restricted when working through another body.

Partners for Implementation – Local Operating Agents

Because of legal requirements for non-profit educational and cultural programming, LFSU works with local Jewish organizations in each country where there is no official LFSU entity. An Agreement for Cooperation is concluded between Limmud FSU International Foundation and each of these organizations.

In Canada and Australia

In Canada, a contractual arrangement was concluded with a Jewish community center in the Greater Toronto area, the SCHWARTZ/REISMAN CENTRE (SRC). SRC is responsible for the receipt of charitable contributions from Canadian donors and supporting organizations, and for the financial implementation of LFSU’s preparatory events and the Limmud conference in Ontario, Canada.
An agreement for cooperation in carrying out Limmud FSU activities in Australia was concluded with the ZIONIST FEDERATION OF AUSTRALIA (ZFA), based in Melbourne. ZFA oversees the control of Limmud FSU Australia’s financial operations both in Melbourne and Sydney.

In the United Kingdom

The first round of activities for Limmud FSU Europe took place in England. In order to ensure a proper support framework, a partnership agreement was concluded with the JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTRE LONDON - JW3, an educational, social and community hub in north London. For the second event in Vienna in 2020, an agreement was concluded with ARIE - Fund for Jewish Identity eV, a public benefit association.

Annual reports

As a non - profit, our decisions at Limmud FSU must be transparent, our policies justifiable and our practices beyond reproach. We strive to achieve well-coordinated, efficient and accountable organization. The information and documents on the top of this page demonstrate how we achieve this through the years.